Kissimmee Property Division Lawyer

It’s not always easy to divide property in a Kissimmee, Florida, divorce case. Even if you and your spouse generally agree to terms, there could be important details that need to be worked out regarding specific assets or other property. A family lawyer at Lebron Law, PLLC can help ensure that your interests are thoroughly represented at all times.

We’re a top-rated family law firm serving clients in Kissimmee and throughout Central Florida. Our Kissimmee property division lawyer has 10 years of legal experience. We’ve successfully helped countless families address the issues that matter most to them. If you hire us, we will make your case our priority from the start.

Contact our law offices in Kissimmee today at (321) 800-5195 for more information or to schedule a case review. We can provide you with some initial legal advice at that time.

How Lebron Law, PLLC Can Help With Your Property Division Matter in Kissimmee, Florida

How Lebron Law, PLLC Can Help With Your Property Division Matter in Kissimmee, Florida

Depending on how your divorce case plays out, it’s possible that a family court will need to step in and approve or even decide the resolution. This process can include issues like child custody, child support, alimony, property division, and more. Having a trusted attorney on your side can make all the difference, especially if your spouse has a lawyer in their corner.

Lebron Law, PLLC is qualified to help you every step of the way. Our award-winning Kissimmee divorce lawyer deeply understands local procedures, laws, and courts – and we’ll utilize our resources and knowledge to benefit you. 

If you hire our attorney, we can:

  • Thoroughly research all of your assets and debts
  • Help you with valuation, liquidation, sales, negotiations, and more
  • Ensure you understand your rights and options at each stage
  • Explore alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation, where appropriate
  • Hire experts, such as financial specialists, to help your case
  • Handle all the communications and paperwork
  • Represent you at any and all court hearings as necessary

Contact us in Kissimmee, FL, to learn more about forming an attorney-client relationship. Ultimately, our goal will be to help you achieve your desired outcome.

An Overview of Property Division Law in Florida

An Overview of Property Division Law in Florida

Florida is considered an “equitable division” state regarding property division, which is the stance that most states take. However, the name can be deceiving, as “equitable” does not mean the same thing as “equal.” Instead, it means something closer to “fair.” This standard is set forth by state statute.

What Property Can Be Divided?

In a Kissimmee divorce, there are two broad categories of property: separate and marital

Separate property means things that only one spouse owned prior to the marriage. Gifts, inheritances, and other limited property might also be considered separate – even if they weren’t received until after the marriage.

Marital property refers to assets and debts that were acquired during the marriage and by either spouse. 

Examples of marital property include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The family home
  • Vehicles
  • Household items
  • Businesses
  • Income/wages
  • Artwork
  • Jewelry
  • Retirement accounts
  • Investments

Because marital property is the only kind that is usually subject to property division, it is critical to accurately assess the debts and assets in question for each particular case.

Can Separate Property Turn Into Marital Property?

Yes, it can, under specific circumstances – which is another reason why it’s so important to have an attorney represent your interests throughout this process. Otherwise, you risk having property allocated improperly, which could harm your future finances.

Per Florida law, separate property can become marital property if funds are commingled or combined. For instance, if one spouse has a savings account that they add marital funds to, this could constitute marital property that was once separate property.

Another example of how this might happen is if separate property (like a personal savings account) is used to purchase assets/goods for the marriage, such as a home or household items.

Factors Courts Consider When Dividing Property in a Kissimmee Divorce

Factors Courts Consider When Dividing Property in a Kissimmee Divorce

We should note here that you don’t actually have to take your divorce case to court. Instead, you can try to resolve things more amicably with your spouse. There are various ADR methods you might choose to utilize, such as mediation, which can be less costly and time-intensive. Ultimately, however, a court will need to step in and decide if you can’t through other means.

When a family court in Florida steps in to address property division issues, the judge will consider the following factors:

  • Contributions of each spouse to the marriage, including childcare, homemaking, and education.
  • Financial circumstances of each spouse.
  • Duration of the marriage.
  • Any career or educational sacrifices made by either spouse.
  • Contributions of one spouse to the other’s career or education.
  • Maintaining certain assets intact, such as businesses or professional practices.
  • Contributions of each spouse to marital and non-marital assets.
  • Keeping the marital home for dependent children or a party, if equitable, in the child’s best interest, and financially feasible.
  • Intentional dissipation or waste of marital assets near the time of separation.
  • Any other factors necessary for fairness between the parties.

Courts might also consider whether any malicious actions were taken by either spouse, such as trying to hide assets.

It Is Often Challenging To Divide Debts and Assets Equitably

It Is Often Challenging To Divide Debts and Assets Equitably

Even though every property division case in Florida is unique, there are general stages that most will go through:

  • Identifying all the property to be divided
  • Determining what is marital vs. separate property
  • Evaluating what the property is worth
  • Figuring out which property you want to keep
  • Allocating all of the property in question

These stages can be very complex to address appropriately. Oftentimes, in divorce cases, it isn’t difficult to determine how most property should be divided, but there may be one or two important assets that are in dispute. However, these could be by far the highest-value assets in question.

In other cases, spouses might disagree on how property should be divided, making it more obvious that this issue needs attention. In either event, this issue can be difficult to talk about with your spouse because the law isn’t always in accord with how people think in their daily lives. 

If you hire an experienced Kissimmee family law attorney, they can handle every aspect of your case and ensure you are heard at all times. 

Our attorney has established relationships with many kinds of experts who can help your interests, such as:

  • Forensic economists
  • Tax law specialists
  • Real estate pros
  • Retirement plan and business consultants

Help from these professionals will allow us to make your case as strong as possible. 

Schedule a Consultation With an Experienced Kissimmee Property Division Attorney

Do you need help dividing property as part of your divorce in Kissimmee, Florida? Even though, per state law, property is to be divided fairly, that isn’t always what actually happens. If you don’t hire an experienced lawyer to represent you, you might walk away with an outcome that isn’t even in alignment with what the law says should happen.

Lebron Law, PLLC is a leading family law firm in Central Florida with the skills and experience to help you effectively. We care about our clients on a personal level and ensure that every case receives all of the focus and dedication it deserves. 

Although we are in favor of less contentious resolution methods when appropriate, we understand that those solutions aren’t for everyone. We will ensure we understand your goals as clearly as possible so that we can help you achieve them.

Call us or send us a message online today to set up an initial consultation. During your meeting, we can answer all of your questions and let you know about your next steps.

Visit Our Family & Divorce Law Firm in Kissimmee, FL

Lebron Law, PLLC
15 S Orlando Ave, Kissimmee, FL 34741, United States
(321) 800-5195